मंगलवार, 31 मई 2016

सैनिक फॉर्म को और सुंदर बनाने आया स्‍टूडियो स्‍ट्रैंड्स का नया सैलून

नई दिल्‍ली। भारत की मशहूर और लीडिंग सैलून चेन स्‍टूडियो स्‍ट्रैंडस ने दिल्‍ली के पॉश इलाके सैनिक फार्म एच-183 में अपना नया सैलून ओपन किया है। इसका मकसद लोगों को दुनिया की उन तकनीकि के साथ सेवाएं देना है, जो पूरी गुणवत्‍ता के साथ लोगों तक पहुंच नहीं पा रही थीं। सैनिक फार्म में इस सैलून का उद्घाटन मिस इंडिया ग्‍लोब 2016 रिप्रेजेंटेटिव मिस राम्‍या सिंह ने किया।
इस अवसर पर पर इस सैलून के सभी सेवाओं का प्रदर्शन भी किया गया। इस अवसर पर रम्‍या सिंह ने बताया कि, ’’अभी भी देश

में जब बात गुणवत्‍तापरक ब्‍यूटी सेवाओं की होती है तो बहुत ही कम ऐसे सैलून हैं जहां पर लोग संतोषजनक सर्विस पा रहे हैं। स्‍ट्रैंडस के सैनिक फार्म में खुलने से लोगों को एक अवसर मिला है कि वो अपने संतुष्टि के हिसाब से सर्विस ले सकें।
इस अवसर पर उन्‍होंने कहा कि इस उमस भरी गर्मी में कैसे मेकअप को बचाएं इसकी जानकारी भी उन्‍होंने दी। स्‍ट्रेंड्स ने एक फैशन शो आयोजित किया जिसमें कर्इ मॉडल्‍स ने हिस्‍सा लिया। रैंप पर वॉक करती मॉडल्‍स ने बेहतर हेयरस्‍टाइल और मेकअप का एक अनोखा प्रदर्शन किया, जिसमें स्‍ट्रैंडस की गुणवत्‍ता पूरी तरह से सामने आई। जिस तरह का हेयरस्‍टाइल था उसी तरह का आंखों का मेकअप भी मॉडल्‍स ने किया था। इसके द्वारा उन्‍होंने कुछ क्‍लासिक चोटियों और जूडों को भी प्रदर्शित किया। यह सैलून सुबह 9 बजे से शाम को 9 बजे तक 365 दिन खुला रहता है।  
क्रिएटिव डायरेक्‍टर ऑफ वेला प्रोफेशनल एसडी न्‍यूटन की मानें तो, वेले अपने आप में एक ब्रांड है, जोकि स्‍टाइल, डिजाइन और प्रॉपर केयर का नाम है। और स्‍ट्रेंडस एकेडमी में सारे ट्रेनर्स वेले से ट्रेंड हैं, मेरे लिए यह बहुत ही खुशी की बात है कि हम नई टेक्‍नोलॉजी के साथ कस्‍टमर्स को संतोषजनक रिजल्‍ट दे पाएंगे।‘’
इस अवसर पर स्‍ट्रेंडस के बिजनेस और फ्रैंचाइज हेड अमित चावला ने बताया कि, ’’हमें इस बात की बेहद खुशी है कि दिल्‍ली के पॉश इलाकों में से एक सैनिक फार्म में हम अपना सैलून ओपन कर रहे हैं। हम अपनी इस चेन को तेजी के साथ पूरे देश में फैला रहे हैं और आने वाले कुछ सालों में आपको र्स्‍टैंडस की शाखा हर बडे व छोटे शहरों में होगी।‘’  

लांचिंग के अवसर पर र्स्‍टैंडस के वाइस प्रेसीडेंट ऑपरेशन्‍स रमन घई भी उपस्थित थे तथा उन्‍होंने उम्‍मीद जताई कि यह सैलून सैनिक फार्म में लोगों की उम्‍मीदों पर खरा उतरेगा। 

शुक्रवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2016


The entire globe is developing at a very fast pace and there are tones of opportunities all we need is skill and potential to grab those opportunities. One such field will be well described in this article, the field of Fashion lifestyle and retail management. This field expands its wings out in different horizons and helps us molding our career as a Fashion adviser, retail marketing executive, visual merchandiser, store manager, store director, Fashion stylist and many more. This diploma program has been designed focusing the retail industry needs, with an emphasis on Fashion and Lifestyle products. The Retail Industry is the second largest employer next only to the agriculture industry - This industry currently employing more than 35 million people. The retail industry encompasses, a large segment of industries - ranging from food and Grocery – Farm and Agricultural products – Fashion and Lifestyle – Automobiles and Transportation of goods – home and interiors and others. The aim is to ensure that the student acquires and absorb not only product knowledge, but also learn the nuances of customer service and acquire customer experience management skill as per industries expectations. The Fashion Industries is used to refer to myriad industries and services that employ millions of people internationally.   If you want to pursue a career in this field then this article will be beneficial for all those readers.

This program is a two year comprehensive, holistic, industry oriented course that trains the students and develops them as professionals in the field of Fashion and lifestyle retail management by inculcating extensive knowledge, behavioral skills in the core area. It trains students to be professionals who have the capacity to conceptually and critically think and analyze complex problems to propose intelligent and compatible solutions in the fashion retail practice. This two year program has been well divided into four semesters. The first two semester deals with academic session while the rest two sessions includes job training along with academics. The fourth semester intensively focuses on full time internship in the industry.
The course framework is structured to be responsive to the needs of galloping growth of Indian and Global Fashion & Lifestyle Retail Industry.  
During these two years students will gain proficiency in -
·        Basics of fashion , history and evolution
·        Basic understanding of textile and garmenting industry.
·        Fashion marketing and merchandising.
·        Retailing supply chain management
·        Retail stores operation and management
·        Technology in retail
·        CRM in retail
·        Visual merchandising
Candidate must have a bachelor degree in any discipline to pursue this course. Apart from this they must have keen interest in fashion retail industry. Institute gives priority to those candidates who are passionate about the field and atleast have basic knowledge of the field. Candidates with good communication skills and personality can frame their career as a good store manager.

·        Nearly 33% of organized retail consists of fashion apparel.
·        Nearly 30% of contribution to e-commerce is attributed to fashion.
·        International fashion brands are in race to entre India.
·        Fashion retail sector is expected to create 10-15 million jobs in next 5 years.
Once you get into the course it will open doors in national and international fashion and retail industry. Students can join fashion store, bridal fashion store, high fashion outlets, multibrand store, concept store, malls or megamalls. Apart from all this there are many job opportunities in the field of retail. Fashion adviser, retail marketing executive, visual merchandiser, store manager, store director, Fashion stylist etcetra. If you develop you skills and passion for retail.
Every year the luxury sector is having an increment of 20% in retail. By the year 2020 around 28lakhs employments will be there in this field. The founder and CEO of LCBS - Mr. Abhay Gupta says that the field of fashion and lifestyle retail is a complete new genre for the students. This field still lacks skilled and passionate people. This field has immense opportunities and possibilities for the students and will prove to be a good platform for the youth to showcase their potential.
Once the students are sent for internship in the leading firms they are paid a stipend of around - 10 to 15 thousand. As a new face to this industry they get paid around 20 - 25 thousand which keeps increasing with much and much experience earned.

शनिवार, 22 अगस्त 2015

Help Guru is ready to change everything!

New Delhi: A new world is taking shape. It is redefining the way we do things. It is establishing new paradigms in how we interact with our surroundings. Riding on the Internet wave it is bringing us untold convenience.

And at helpguru, using this amazing network, we are bringing at your doorstep services that will take away even the smallest of your headaches.
 How often seemingly small things such as a leaking faucet or air-conditioning not working have got on your nerves?
 How often you’ve wanted a particular service or a specific manpower and your entire office had no clue about what to do?
 How often you had wanted something, which was outside the purview of your office, to be done immediately and no one knew whom to connect to. 
Small things such as vehicle breakdown, electricity not working, air-conditioning gone kaput, tidying up of the green area, painting of the building façade, or minor repair works, IT related services and short term need of a professional hand often have the capacity to take your entire schedule haywire…! 
            Instead of dealing with multiple hands and managing multiple phone numbers how often you wish that there was one person/company you can outsource all your trivial headaches!
 That’s where helpgurucomes in. We are here to manage all your minor yet major concerns.
        A venture of seasoned entrepreneurs who have made their name in the fields of Advertising as well as Event Marketing, helpguru seeks to provide solutions that one faces almost on daily basis both at home as well as in office. With trained manpower, preferably from your own locality, helpguruseeks to bring organization to hitherto unorganized service providers. Helpguru verified every professional associated with us and their databases have been properly maintained. And this all this comes at a promise of immediate 24x7 availability of services backed up by a totally transparent process with quotation settled beforehand.
     The services offered by helpguruencompass almost everything that might get you stressed. These ranging from electricity not working to building façade that might need cleaning, to professional help to decide upon your communication strategy… the ever-expanding list of services has been designed to keep your tension at bay. We at helpgurusincerely believe in letting you concentrate on your core competencies letting us take care of everything else.
      So next time you have a problem all you have to do it to visit our website www.helpguru.com or give us a call or download our app from google play store and the help will be rushing towards you.

शनिवार, 25 अप्रैल 2015

Beyond Boundaries-A melodious sufi evening

रविवार, 21 सितंबर 2014

Ford eco-sport

सोमवार, 15 सितंबर 2014


गुरुवार, 11 सितंबर 2014

My column
